Summer begins...

Yesterday, my son finished his last day of school at Columbus Montessori!  The past weeks have been full of reminiscing, connection and looking to the future.  He starts middle school in the Fall!  But first, we look forward to a summer of fun, filled with family, art and nature.

My focus now shifts back to my own work.  Which is a challenge since I am currently a studio artist without a studio!  I am having a solo show in July at the City Art Center in Delaware, Ohio.  This is a great space for contemporary art and I am motivated to transform it with my wallpaper, stairs, beds, windows and a door into a full sized version of my dollhouse inspired assemblages.  My working title for the installation is Almost Home.  I will be sure to update you as this idea becomes a reality.  Until then, you can learn more about the gallery at

For most of the summer, I will be teaching kids at various art and nature camps in Central Ohio, including Columbus Montessori, Franklin Park Conservatory , Thurber House and Columbus School for Girls, August in Action week two August 6 - 10 .  Please let me know if you have any kids in your life that might be interested in maps, comics, puppets/performing objects or who are looking for time in nature!

Are you a teacher looking for studio-based professional development this summer?  I will once again teach an Advanced Placement Summer Institute – this time at Oakland College in Rochester, Michigan (near Detroit) July 30 – August 2, 2012. 

In addition to an in depth look at all things AP studio art,the focus will be on staying inspired, innovation in the classroom and reconnecting with our own studio art making practice.  For registration info, a syllabus and tentative calendar:

And also this month, one last session of Nature Journaling also at the Franklin Park Conservatory will be held June 24, 1–3pm.  Journal work can help you connect more deeply to nature and your surroundings. Write, sketch and reflect within the sublime setting of the Conservatory and leave with inspiration to take back to daily life. Bring a blank unlined book or stop by Botanica to purchase. All other materials will be supplied.

Look for my new class for visual journaling and supported studio projects starting Tuesday nights in July at the Cultural Arts Center where I will continue to teach Watercolor on Saturday mornings and for studio-based workshops for teachers August – October in various venues around Central Ohio.

With school out and the Columbus Arts Festival arriving in downtown Columbus, this weekend is the unofficial start to summer - Welcome…and soak it in!


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